Stacking stillage Butti

Butti steel stacking stillage: the ideal solution for 1200×800 mm pallet storage

The Butti steel stacking stillage is perfect for storing 1200×800 mm pallets. Designed with a focus on safety and efficiency, this stacking stillage is the ideal solution to optimize storage space and facilitate pallet handling.

Key features:

  • Ease of use: thanks to its ergonomic design, the storage trolley is extremely easy to use, reducing loading and unloading times for pallets.
  • Durability: made from high-quality steel, it ensures long-lasting durability and resistance even under heavy loads.
  • Stackability: it is possible to statically stack up to 3 stacking stillages on 1 fully loaded trolley, optimizing storage space and keeping the work area organized and safe.
  • Forklift slots: the trolleys are equipped with special slots for forklift forks, facilitating safe and easy handling.
  • Safety bar: each stacking stillage comes with a removable safety bar, complete with anti-extraction tabs, ensuring maximum stability and safety during use.

Ideal applications: logistics warehouses, industrial sector, commercial storage

The Butti stacking stillage not only enhances operational efficiency but also ensures a safe and well-organized work environment. By choosing Butti, you opt for quality, safety, and reliability.


Via S. Mayer 13 – 24034 Cisano Bergamasco (BG)
Tel. (+39) 035 787300 – Fax (+39) 035 787322 – Email:

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