For over 35 years we have been producing tools and equipment for manufacturing companies and for the construction industry with which various types of products and materials are handled and stored. The quality of the products and the reliability of our after-sales service are the basis of our notoriety, strenght and reputation.
We design, develop and deliver our products without compromise.
We do it with the awareness that what we provide to our customers will help to simplify their work, increase security standards and protect the environment.
We measure the success of our work through the satisfaction of our customers and the reputation of our company.
People are the most important factor in our way of doing business.
We invest in their training and consider their dedication and integrity one of the most important competitive factors.
Our customers know well what they want.
They know the value and quality of our products and rely on our technical-commercial organization to address specific needs.
Morevoer, they know our high standards in terms of quality, expertise and reliability.
We work hard to create wealth through innovation.
We reach excellence by investing in technology, research and communication.
We work by paying attention to environmental issues and respect for the territory.
Our products exceed the strictest standards in the markets where we compete.
We never consider a project only based on its economic dimension.
We always carefully evaluate the perfect constructive feasibility and safety criteria.
We have a well-stocked, efficient and organized warehouse, which is one of our main strengths.
We always have a wide range of products ready for delivery, to meet the demands of our customers very quickly.
We are therefore able to meet all your needs in record time!
We invest in innovation, research and development to offer to our customers products and services that can optimally address their professional needs, letting them to work safely, with quality and functionality.
We work in strict compliance with occupational safety regulations.
Our staff of engineers and specialized technicians work to create innovative solutions and provide qualified assistance to our customers.
If a product is not in the catalogue, we can design it and make it custom-made.
Once you have defined the specifications of a project, our technical department will process it as a preliminary.
Once these requirements are appproved, the project comes to the operational phase and is submitted to the customer along with the economic prospect.
The acceptance of the project makes production executable, whose timings may vary depending on the complexity of the product to be manufactured and the technological content.
Quality is the greatest value for us.
Our strategic goal is to provide products that meet the needs of our customers in accordance with the most stringent labor safety regulations.
Quality does not come by chance: it is the result of a process in which you need to constantly invest a lot of energy and resources.

Reference standards: D.LGS.81/2008 – EN 14502-1 – EN13155
Quality is the greatest value for us.
Our strategic goal is to provide products that meet the needs of our customers in accordance with the most stringent labor safety regulations.
Quality does not come by chance: it is the result of a process in which you need to constantly invest a lot of energy and resources.

Reference standards:
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